Thursday, August 28, 2008

York Beach, ME

Every year for about 100 years my grandparents went to The Anchorage Inn in York Beach, ME.  I have lots of memories and a few pictures - I clearly remember taking the one of all of us at dinner one year when I was about 13, I stood behind Uncle Rock with the biggest grin.  
15 years or so ago my grandparents started purchasing a gift certificate for 2 nights and dinner for 2 for my mum and *step*dad for Christmas each year, a few years back my mum also started getting Chuck and I one for Christmas.  
My grandparents are gone now, but my mum has still been getting Chuck and I the gift certificate for our Christmas gift.  It's fun to go back each year, we've missed a few years but try to go when we can.  
We usually go in mid-fall because it's cheaper and less busy, however this year we decided to go in late summer instead and it was a blast!  Lorelei loved the beach, she kept yelling at the water "Back wa-wa, don't get me!!!" and chasing the seagulls - which she called ducks.  Sadie and John didn't get as much time on the beach since they can't seem to keep it out of their mouths - but they did enjoy it from the safety of the pen on a blanket.
I can't wait to go again - getting pictures of the kids in the same places year after year has already been fun for me, and it's only been one year!  There is a picture of Lorelei standing on a rock in the slide show - I'm pretty sure I have a picture of me on this same rock, I'll go check my old photo albums and post a picture of a picture if I can find it.  I just love creating traditions and making memories.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh, i laughed so hard at the pack n play thing ?HAHAHAHA yikes lol