Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Letter(s) of the week - S, T, U, V

I am really falling behind on these posts! We have still been doing out projects - fewer and fewer pictures though now that Sadie and John are participating because they need more help and it's just me.

Here's the last month's worth of projects - enjoy!

Under the "S"ea(horse)!
These were so much fun! It took me a while to get something that even resembled an actual seahorse though - you'll notice the difference in shape on each, I got better the more I did.

Go hug a "T"ree!
These didn't come out exactly as I hoped - but everyone knew they were trees so that's all that really mattered.

Time for an "U"mbrella!
This one was so fitting seeing how it's been raining in my neck of the woods for almost a month straight - and I don't live in Seattle! I gave everyone a blue, green and brown crayon for the background colors, Lorelei made sand, grass and sky all in the correct places on the paper! I was so proud of her. Everyone loved adding on the little rain drops. John was super excited about this one and pointed to the fridge all week saying "brel-brel".

"V" is for "V"ase!
I was so happy to see this project on the blog I visit just before we got to letter "V" because I had no idea what I was going to do. There's not much that starts with V that my kids are going to recognize!

1 comment:

Stacia said...

I think someone needs to give you a super mommy award or something for all you do. You rock.