Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas projects

We took a break from the letter of the week projects, but will be getting back into it starting on Monday.  Since we never take a break from projects though here's what we've been doing the last month or so. 

Sadie and John are starting to get into it also - when naptime works out anyway!  John seems to love to color, Sadie is more interested in eating the markers and crayons, but that's what non-toxic washable supplies are for!  

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Monday, December 22, 2008

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

six days....

that's how long it's been since the last time I had power.  what the FUCK!!!!!  for anyone who's blog I read that also reads mine - I won't be catching up so let me know if I missed anything major!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Letter of the week - H

Last week was letter "H" - we were lazy!  Lorelei wasn't really interested in the "H"eart H so I did most of it.  However when we did the "H"ippo a few days later she was all over it!  I put on the head and then she choose where to put the rest - you can't see the tail because it went on the back, right where a tail would go of course!!

Since we went two weeks in a row without Lorelei really being that interested we're going to take a break from the letter themed projects and just do Christmas themed stuff until after the New Year, I think we both need a bit of a break!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Reason #7 why I hate my husband

a play on my friend Ann's reasons why she loves hers - and why I'm going to steal him away someday! (kidding Ann!)

Last night after he came home from a full day of hunting to a venison stew cooking on the stove and fresh homemade bread on the cutting board the bastard had the balls to tell me he could tell I used store brand cream of mushroom soup and request I buy the name brand in the future.
He survived but will be eating mac n' cheese for dinner for the next week and a half. 

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving crafts

We took a break from the Letter of the Week - but that didn't mean we'd stop the crafts. Lorelei has gotten really used to doing projects and asks to start as soon as Sadie and John are down for their morning nap.  
Most days we just do free style coloring or painting, but a few days a week we do a "real " project.  This week I got everyone involved - John really loves coloring and actually colors.  Sadie on the other hand would much rather eat the crayons so she doesn't do much on her own - but loves it just the same!  Once the coloring is done I let them play with markers with the caps on to keep them entertained long enough for Lorelei to finish her project.

Here's some Thanksgiving crafts - the first Turkeys we actually did a few weeks back, but I added them in anyway!

Happy Thanksgiving!!! 

P.S. - anyone have any tips on how to get my 2 1/2 year old to stop taking her clothes off?

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Letter of the week - G

Another week's gone by already - I love having somewhat of an agenda, but it's also making time just fly by!

We worked on "G" this week.  Lorelei picked up the sign easily this time, and I'm very happy to say that even Sadie did!  Although she wouldn't repeat it so maybe it was just a fluke.  It was great timing for "G" since Lorelei is totally in love with Melman - the giraffe from Madagascar.  We made a "G"iraffe although it was pretty much just a "C"ow of a different color and she wasn't really into project that morning, but it got the point across and she was proud of it when Daddy got home.  We also made some "G"ingerbread cookies which came out yummy - Daddy was home when we were decorating which added some humor to the project as well.

We'll be skipping the letter theme next week because of Thanksgiving, but we'll be back with "H" the following week - I'd love to make a "H"ippo to keep with the Madagascar idea, but I don't think I could pull that one off.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Apparently I've been spending too much time checking out my new buddy Slick.  While googling the meaning behind the song 'Ring Around the Rosie' tonight my 2 1/2 year old came up behind me and said "I wanna see the guy that do like this - AHHHHHHH", shook her head back and forth and gave me the finger.  

Time to censor myself I guess.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

G week preview

In keeping with the "G" theme this week Lorelei and I made gingerbread cookies yesterday.  Because of the chilling time with the dough Chuck happened to be home by the time we were decorating them - this is his contribution to the project.

Monday, November 17, 2008

and then they turned 1!!!

(Sorry Tina I stole your line!)

Sadie and John are ONE!!!  I can't believe how fast the year went by - and how slow it seemed at first!  I didn't get as many pictures as I would have liked, but we were a little busy :)  I know some family and friends got other pictures so I'll share more later.

Thanks to everyone that could make it, and I'm sorry for those of you that couldn't!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Letter of the week - F

It was another busy week for us!  Sadie and John turned 1 on Thursday and we had a party for them on Saturday (post to follow I promise!)  But we managed to work in a few "F" projects anyway.  
We made this "F"udge - it was quick and easy but not as tasty as I hoped - we might try it again using peanut-butter chips instead.  I slacked quite a bit on the sign this week so we're going to have to work on that along with "G" next week.  She loved making the "F"lowers - mostly for the glitter she got to use.  They didn't come out exactly as I expected, but I used craft foam instead of paper which added too much weight - but they are still pretty cute and sitting on the table as the new centerpiece.

I'm starting to see some real results with this little project of ours - we saw and Elephant on TV the other day and when I asked her what letter it started with she answered "E mumma!" without hesitation.  She also informed me that she wanted a snack - which she told me started with S, we haven't even got to S yet!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

do people actually by this?

My 2-year old is having some poop trouble lately - so bad that she runs to me screaming every time she has to go.  So last night I was on a quest for Apple Juice.  We don't drink much juice in the house --- correction the KIDS don't drink much juice, I'm addicted and I figure it's better than the Budwiser I'd rather be drinking at 10AM.  

So anyway, last night I went to the grocery store to pick up some apple juice.  I'm a bigger bargain hunter than ever lately so I really study labels, prices and quantity now.  I'm also trying to get a better handle on the amount of sugar my kids are consuming.  

While perusing the juice isle I saw this product, what draw me to it was the 40% less sugar claim.  I was intrigued so I took it down from the top shelf to take a closer look.  Do you see what I see on the bottom of the package?  The part you can't see when it's perched high up on the shelf.  Yea that part - the part that says "Apple juice + purified water".  

HELLO people - don't you get it?  Of course there's 40% less sugar - there's 40% less juice!!! You're paying for less apple juice and more water - at twice the price no doubt!  

Since the water coming from my tap is purified already I bought the store brand apple juice and will water it down - viola 40% less sugar.  

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Boksburg, Gauteng???

OK I added this new thing to my blog that tells me from where people are checking me out - at least that's what I though it did.  But I noticed this morning that someone checked me out from Boksburg, Gauteng.  huh?  I don't even know where that is, let alone someone who lives there!

Did I misunderstand what this widget thingy does or am I starting to get around?

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

the unnecessary statement of the year

I mean really is a public statement even necessary?  If you had to choose someone for your 20-something daughter wouldn't just about anybody be better than Hugh Hefner?  Well aside from serial killers and such.

cute things my kid said today

*while running around with a play knife*
"I back-in ook!" 
(that would be "I'm Captain Hook!")

*while I was trying to brush her hair*
Me: "Stay still, you don't want dreadlocks do you?"
L: "No mumma, I no want GoldiLocks!"

*to her 1-year old brother after he fell off  the windowsill*
"You fall down?  You too little climb win-o.  You OK buddy?"

Friday, November 7, 2008

Letter of the week - E

I didn't realize there were so few project ideas that started with "E"!  I should have printed off a picture of myself I guess - yes I spell my name with an E not an A!

Anyway we made the cute "E"lephant which she did all by herself again - even traced over the eye I drew in purple!  And we made the tasty "E"gg dish for dinner no less, everyone liked it so that was a plus!

Next week we're on to "F" - I'd like to stick with an animal theme but I can't figure out a way to make a "F"ish so I'll be using the "F"eather idea I found here instead.  Unless someone can let me know how to make a fish out of the letter F! :)

Oh and since it's Thanksgiving month I forced this project to work by calling it Turk"e"y time!  Hopefully she won't grow up thinking Turkey starts with E.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Even 2-year olds hate hunting

A morning conversation with Lorelei.

L:  "Where Daddy?"
Me:  "Daddy's hunting this morning"
L:  "Daddy hunt 'gain?"
Me:  "yep, he'll be home later"
L: "When Daddy ever not go'in hunt no more?"

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

5 things I hate about Hunting Season

5.  How long it is - there's like 152 different seasons depending on what you hunt and where you live.

4.  The Butt Out

3. How expensive it is - and that's just the license fees, that doesn't include the ammo, new stands, new calls or the camouflage clothing he's got to repurchase every year because god forbid he be caught in last years styles!  (yea 'cuz you know the trees change every year right?)

2. How my husband justifies the expense but saying "we need the meat".  He went on a goose hunting trip with his brother a few months back and it cost him close to $250 - do you know how much steak, hamburger, chicken and ground turkey I can get in the grocery store for $250?  Trust me a lot more than the 6 or so goose breasts he got - which he has yet to pick up from his brothers house!

1.  How my husband can't get his ass out of bed earlier than 7:30 for work and never leaves before 8:30, yet can be up, showered, dressed in full hunting gear, out of the house and in his deer stand by 5AM during hunting season.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Letter of the week - D

We didn't get as many letter themed projects done this week - we had a busy week with visiting with gee-gee, toddler gym and trick-or-treating!

Lorelei had a hard time with the "D" sign - but since I've always been doing it wrong myself I can see why!  Once she figured it out though she was good to go.  She did get a little confused with the picture of the "D"ogs - since she of course saw it and said "Abby and Ruger!" but I thought it was a good opportunity to point out how they had names different from what they were.

She loved making the "D"ragon!  This week I printed off the finished project from the blog and left it out for her to see.  She was able to do the entire project (with the exception of drawing the "D" and the cutting) all by herself!  She even made the little eye - I was very proud of her!

Next week it's on to "E"!  We'll be making a cute "E"lephant and a tasty "E"gg dish that my friend Kim used to make and I haven't had for a while.  

Friday, October 31, 2008


Last night we headed over to my friend Ann's for trick-or-treating!  She lives in a cute little culdesack so there were plenty of houses and no one got tired, although it was pretty cold so the little ones didn't last long.  I didn't get as many photos as I would have liked, hubby couldn't make it so trying to drag the three of them around and take pictures was near impossible - thankfully Ann lent her hubby out for the night so it wasn't as bad as it could have been!  

Friday, October 24, 2008

Letter of the week - C

Well it seems that this little "lesson plan" of mine is keeping me pretty busy!  I haven't had time for much other than doing or thinking of our projects.  

This week we focused on letter "C" - Lorelei picked the sign up quickly and is starting to show me them in order when I ask. She had a harder time with the sound this week since "C" can sound different depending on the word, but was still enthusiastic when it came to finding things around the house starting with "C".

My idea-blog made cookies for their C week - but Lorelei loves Cows and Cars so we went with that instead.  She was so excited when we pasted that cow head on - she immediately knew what it was.  We made some recycled crayons out of all our old broken ones, she had fun taking the foil off but was a little confused at first.  Once I showed her how to use them she thought they were pretty neat!  We also made a Carrot cake which was a first for me!  Came out great if I do say so myself - but when you start with 2 cups of sugar and a cup and a half of oil you can't really go wrong.  Finally this morning we made a recycled car out of a juice box.  I made one myself last night to show her what we were going to do, which was the first time I've done that.  I was so proud of her, she looked at the one I had done and put the glue in the right spots and glued on the wheels all by herself!  They didn't really come out like I envisioned, but she knew it as supposed to be a car so good enough for us!

Next week we're on to letter "D" - we're going to make a "D"ragon and I think I'm going to try some donuts, which are her favorite!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Letter of the week - B

It's Friday again and the end of "B" week!

We didn't get out for a field trip this week - the plan was to go to the "B"each but it just didn't happen with the weather.  We did however make the beach instead, along with a "B"ee and a few different "B"reads.

Next week we'll be working on "C"!  The plan is to make this "C"arrot cake and also these "C"rayons.

Bitter Sweet

My son is walking now!  It's so cute - I'll get a video up on YouTube soon and post it for all to see.

I'm finding it a little bitter sweet.  In two ways actually - the first and most obvious is that he's not a little baby anymore.  Which is good because he was a very difficult infant, very difficult.  The second is that as I watch him fumble his way from place to place I'm realizing how much I regret that I wasn't able to stay home with Lorelei and see all these little milestones with her. The daycare she attended was great and wouldn't tell me she did something unless I had already told them I saw it at home - but I'd be kidding myself to think that she just happened to roll over, sit up, crawl, stand or walk for the first time on a weekend.  So although they acted like they never saw it, I'm sure more often than not I missed a lot of her actual firsts - and that's a hard pill to swallow.

But I see it now with John and soon with Sadie, that will have to be good enough because I can't go back and do it over.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Letter of the week - A

We've come to the end of our first letter.

Lorelei really enjoyed the week and it gave me a bit of direction as opposed to just getting up in the morning and trying to think of something to do!  

We started the week with taking pictures of things around the house that started with A and making the first page of our personalized Alphabet book, we also completed a fun art project using the letter A as a subject.  My friend Ann gave me the great idea of also introducing the sign for our letter of the week which Lorelei picked up quickly!  I decided to add in a little field trip as well so today we headed Apple picking which was a hit!

I can't wait for Monday so we can start on the letter B - I've already got a few pictures for the book!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Project ideas for the less creative

I have very few friends who can honestly say "I know how you feel" - meaning they have a toddler and twins!  You may *think* you know how I fell but trust me unless you have a toddler and twins you don't!  Sorry just a fact :)

Anyway one of these friends sent me this blog the other day - it's a great site for creative educational projects to do with my toddler.  I'm going to be doing a "letter of the week" project with Lorelei as soon as I post this - off to print Apples, Alligators and Armadillos!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

chowda anyone?

I decided to make this for dinner tonight - sweet!

1/2 cup diced (1/4-inch) slab bacon (2 oz; rind discarded if necessary)
2 cups diced (1/4-inch) sweet onion (14 oz) such as Vidalia
2 large carrots, cut into 1/4-inch dice (1 cup)
1 celery rib, cut into 1/4-inch dice (3/4 cup)
1 red bell pepper, cut into 1/4-inch dice (1 cup)
1/2 lb yellow-fleshed potatoes such as Yukon Gold (2 small), peeled and cut into 1/4-inch dice
1/2 lb sweet potato (1 medium), peeled and cut into 1/4-inch dice
5 cups reduced-sodium chicken broth (40 fl oz)
2 fresh thyme sprigs
3 cups corn (from about 6 ears)
11/2 cups heavy cream
1 teaspoon fine sea salt
1 teaspoon black pepper

Garnish: 2 plum tomatoes, seeded and diced; finely chopped fresh chives


Cook bacon in a wide 6- to 8-quart heavy pot over moderate heat, stirring frequently, until crisp, about 5 minutes. Transfer with a slotted spoon to paper towels to drain, then add onion, carrots, celery, and bell pepper to bacon fat and cook, stirring, until onion is softened, 8 to 10 minutes.

Add all potatoes, broth, and thyme and simmer, covered, until potatoes are just tender, about 15 minutes. Add corn and cream and simmer, uncovered, 10 minutes. Add sea salt and pepper, then stir in bacon.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

the history of hair

it's so short I just had to blog about it!  

Please don't mind the ridiculous look on my face in the December photo - I had newborn twins and an 18 month old, you'd look like that too!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

gone country

So yea, I like country.  

It started in 2002 when I won tickets to see Alan Jackson - I had no idea who he was I was just excited to go to a concert at the new Arena so I put my name in for the tickets and won.  Chuck told me who he was so I started listening to WOKQ and was hooked, some days it's a little too whiney for me so I switch back to rock, but most days I'm a country girl.

A year or so ago Chuck was in the car with me when a Brad Paisley song came on.  Chuck being the musician he is loved the guitar rifts and went so far as to buy his newest CD - then one night after a few beers decided to join his fan club.  I gave him shit for weeks about that.  However I ate my words on Thursday when we went to his show and had AWESOME seats - a benefit of being a member of the fan club is advanced ticket purchase!  We were sitting right next to the "cat walk" type stage that goes out into the crowd - you know the one that they walk down and high-5 the fans, yea that one!  I was actually leaning on it most of the night.  it was sweet! 

And for your viewing pleasure - and to make the other BP fans jealous - here's a slide show.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

pida on fwloor

My 2 year old has a tough time sleeping - I'd say 9 nights our of 10 she wakes up and my hubby being the softy he is brings her into our bed.  No big deal - I'm tired of s*x anyway and this gives me a great excuse to avoid it.

Last night he brought her in at sometime during the night and I didn't even realize it.  Several hours later she woke us up with a scream - so loud I actually jumped up.  She started crying and saying "pider bite lorelei!" "pider on fwloor" (for those of you that don't speak toddlereise that means "spider bite Lorelei" and "spider on floor").  We calmed her down and got her back to sleep.  

Poor kid obviously had a dream about a spider.  I know everyone dreams, but I'm at a loss as to how to explain this to her.  We watch TV so maybe I could tell her dreams are like TV and not real?  Will she understand that at this age?  Anyone have any suggestions on how to handle this?

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Copyright Schmopyright

So I'm sure it's still copyright infringement - but since these are actually just pictures of the pictures I thought I'd chance it, because gosh darn-it these are some cute ass kids!! :)